
12:16 pm | 11.12.03

I'd like to retract anything stupid I may have said in my previous entry. Actually, I might as well just retract my entire entry, but I'm leaving it up and posting this sort of explanation instead...

Things like this happen, quite often actually, when I get pissed off. I say things I don't mean....
when I'm irritated as fuck.

My bad mood, declining health, high stress levels, and the fact that, even though things really aren't that bad, I constantly feel like nothing really seems to be going right for me right now, have me dangling by my wits end at this point in time.

I just need to realize certain things are not going to happen, and I need to prepare myself for that. I've gotten myself into a rather large mess here, knowing from the beginning it was going to be messy for me. The actual messiness of it all isn't the real problem here. It was how I went about it that has caused all the problems...rather than acknowledging that this was going to be a huge mess and dealing with it with that in mind, I ignored that key fact and let things get even messier.

I can't decide if I need to sit down and think about everything...or if I need to stop thinking about it all together.

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