a fine monday

6:21 pm | 12.08.03

Ok....so you guys are really going to love this story. Because I know I really loved it.

Yeah, right.

So last night during dinner my mom tells me that I should probably plan on getting up early today so I can take a shower. It just so happens that the city was coming out to work on the drains or fire hydrants...or something....in my area and they would have to shut off the water for a couple of hours. A card was apparently left taped to our door last week notifying of this inconvenience, but I never saw the card. Anyways, she told me they were planning on turning it off around 10 am, so I planned on getting up around 9 or so to make sure they didn't shut the water off on me mid lather. Besides, I had a million things I needed to get done so I'd definitely be able to finish them before heading off to class in the afternoon.

I bet you guys can tell where this ones going, can't you?

I didn't quite get up in time to take a shower. Actually, not by a long shot. I lifted my groggy head off the pillow and had a heart attack when the clock said 12:14. Oh man was I pissed. I had missed my window of opportunity for taking a shower. And, not only did I not get to take a shower, but I didn't get a single thing done before class either! You can most certainly bet that I got violent with my alarm clock which conveniently told me I had set it to go off at 9:08.....P fucking M!!!!!

I ran around like crazy trying to figure out who I could call to see if I could take a shower at their place so I wouldn't have to go an entire day of class and work without showering. No such luck. So....I was forced to improvise. Theres only so much you can do with a bottle of water and a washcloth. I managed to brush my teeth and wash my face (which was the most important thing I usually need to do in the morning since I usually forget to take my makeup off before I go to bed....resulting in some nasty raccoon eyes that no amount of makeup could possibly hide)

As if not being able to shower before a long day of class and work isn't bad enough, I came to yet another realization during this wonderful Monday afternoon.....

I was completely out of deoderant. Oh dear god what is wrong with me? Me being the total procrastinator that I am, I decided to leave my trip to the drug store until Monday morning before my class since I was going to get up so early and be so freaking productive. Since I was already 10 mintues late for my last class of the semester and didn't want to miss anything for the final, I simply did not have time to stop by the store and buy some.

You guys really can stop cringing and gagging at this point. It wasn't really that bad. I managed to scrape a tiny bit of deoderant out of the container. While it wasn't the full protection against perspiration that I am used to on any normal day, it was enough to get me by without completely repelling people. At least I don't think I smelled...too bad anyways. No one seemed to complain. Although I didn't get my normal comments of how nice I smell.... hmmmm

so yeah...thats what i had to deal with this fine Monday. leave me a comment below and tell me how wonderful your Monday was!!!!

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