my current life in a nutshell

2:22 pm | 01.28.04

Wow guys, I don�t even know what to say. Its been ages since my last real update, and even that wasn�t all that great. That�s probably why my readership has been incredibly low lately. You need something to read. Things have been kind of weird for me lately, and that has part of why I don�t update any more. Any time I sit down in front of my computer to write, my brain dies. I can�t get a single thought out. The few thoughts I can manage to squeeze out are nothing but ridiculous complaints. It also hasn�t helped me much that my well of motivation, while its already been at an all time low so far for me this semester, has pretty much been drained. That well is stone dry I suppose you could say. I never want to do anything. I don�t even keep up with the journals I used to read on a regular basis. Its been weeks with some of them since the last time I checked in on them. I just lost my will to journal. *Gasp* I know� I started to lose it a while ago, and I was hoping the new layout would get me geeked about it, but that has yet to help. But anyways, enough of this crap, on to the update.

So�a lot has been going on, but I can�t guarantee that anything all that great or noteworthy has really been going on.

So far, my internship has been pretty cool. My second week here they put me on a huge project for the head of my department. They gave me a company car (a fully loaded Pacifica�Niiiiice) to drive myself down to the Detroit Public Library so I could do my research. Everyone here is constantly either out of town or in meetings or running errands so I�m basically unsupervised for a majority of my day here. Hence why I�m writing this entry right now. Technically, I�m on lunch but I suppose I could be doing office work since I�m sitting at my desk for lunch. Anyways�I�m loving the internship. I sat in on my first meeting last week. I�ve been invited to two different lunches in the next two weeks for interviews, one with my supervisors supervisor and one with the advertising rep from BBDO, the advertising agency for DaimlerChrysler. Pretty cool, huh? By the time I�m done with everything, I should have had at least eight interviews with various senior managers and vice presidents of departments to see what the corporate world is all about and how I can use my English degree in a corporate setting. As far as projects go for me right now, I�m just doing some editing for various newsletters and they�ve put me in charge of making two events calendars for the department. Woo hoo fun stuff, eh?

Micro Center has really been bugging me, surprise surprise. The customers are really getting on my nerves. I suppose that can�t really be credited to the cliental having changed within the past month, its just that I�m starting to lose my patience with these people a lot quicker than I used to. This weekend alone I probably could have been fired seven times over for handling customer interactions improperly. Argh. I have a few stories to tell if I ever get around to it. They�re too annoying to stick in here. Peripherals is still looking a long ways off at this point. Who knows when I�ll be moved. Actually, its looking like if I�m moved. They�ve hired a new person in my department�a girl grrr A few people have heard of my displeasure because of this, but its pretty much ridiculous for me to feel this way. I�ll get over it�.eventually. I hope?

A lot of other personal crap has been going on. As noted by a mystery entry, my family found out some bad news about a close friend of ours. At this point, I can�t really say much about it�first of all, I don�t think I�m even supposed to know about it, and secondly, there isn�t much I know and the stuff I do know, I heard bits and pieces of so they may or may not be incorrect. I�ll let you guys know once I hear more about it.

I spent the entire weekend home by myself in my pajamas watching movies and getting mad at my computer due to various miscommunications on every ones part. That and because I didn�t feel like driving myself miles and miles away to hang out with some people. Oh well�

A friend of mine was in a car accident recently and I hope she�s ok. She�s had a rough past couple of months and this is about the last thing she needed right now. I hope she knows she�s in my thoughts.

And then theres all the crap going on with Tom and his girlfriend or ex-girlfriend, whatever the hell you want to call her. Lets just say I love being called early in the morning before work and have her wander around work for half an hour waiting for him to go on lunch. That makes me pretty uneasy. Its not going to make matters any easier for him�or me�now that she saw me leaving his house this morning. Argh.

So that�s life in a nutshell right now�.aren�t you glad I finally updated?

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