final semester begins

11:18 pm | 09.02.04

Well, classes have started back up for the year. Unfortunately, my school decided it was a great idea to start classes before Labor Day, which just about everyone but the administrators feel is a terrible idea. Students and professors alike have been running late, or missing all together, forgetting that everything started back up a week early.

Yes, even professors are forgetting. The English department secretary had to call one prof to remind her that she had a class of 40 students waiting for her. She protested, saying they still had another week before classes start. Of course, she was looking at the wrong schedule! Apparently she was seen flying down the office hall way in the English department, cloak and scarves flying out every which way, hat askew on her head, hair poking out from underneath said hat, muttering "Damndamndamndamn!" the whole way to the classroom! While this mishap didn't happen in my class, word spreads quickly through the English department! I can thank my writing prof. for that one! I have this same prof for my senior seminar course, and I was so tempted to tease her about it, but I didn't think that would go over very well.

So. My classes. They seem like they're going to be ok this last semester. Of course, just about everyone will say that after the first week of classes, where every professor lets you go two hours early and doesn't make you sit through lecture. But, I'm sooo close, I can almost taste it! Well, not really. But anyways. So much for taking it easy on yourself in your last semester of college. I really piled it on thick for myself. I am only taking three courses this semester, but each one will be difficult. Lots of writing assignments. Lots of reading assignments. Lots of required participation. argh to that last one.

I am taking two writing courses, Business Writing and Creative Nonfiction, and one literature course, Studies in the Fantastic. The latter is my senior capstone/seminar type course...basically that means its required for graduation.

Business Writing seems like its going to be the easiest out of the three, since I've already had enough practice on writing letters, memos, and resumes at DCC. Lots of little assignments, though.

Creative Nonfiction will be my favorite, I can already tell. I've had this professor before, for Advanced Writing, a few semesters ago. I put out some of my best writing to date in her class. I'm really excited to see what else I can produce in her class.

I'm also working with this professor on my Honors College Senior Thesis. I can't decide if I want to play it safe and just do a research project on Creative Nonfiction as a new genre, or if I want to take the difficult, yet slightly more satisfying route of producing a collection of essays exemplifying Creative Nonfiction. Who knows...

My seminar class, I don't really know what to think of this one. I took it because I had to, not because I was particularly interested in the topic. Actually, to tell you the truth, I just registered for this class, without even looking at the title or description, I just saw who was teaching the course. The very last class I will take at Oakland University is with the same professor I had for my very first Lit class. Interesting how these things work. I guess you could say I know the prof fairly well, seeing as I already had her for one class, she's the Sigma advisor, and she's the field study advisor (she was in charge of placing me for my internship)

Everyone cross your fingers for me! Its going to be a rough semester. Here's to hoping I make it through til December! Then I graduate!

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