cider mill disappointment

5:56 pm | 09.19.04

Well, last night was inventory....and it sucked hardcore. Tom and I didn't get out of work until almost 2 am! Since we stayed so late, we were lucky enough to get today off. For the most part of the day, I sat around the house, doing various nothings and playing video games. Unfortunately, thanks to Tom's recent purchase of War Craft III and Frozen Throne, I have now loaded these games back onto my computer, after a 9 month hiatus. argh... there goes productivity out the window.

Around two or so, I got together with Tom to take Robert to the cider mill. We had talked about it earlier in the week in hopes that we'd both have Sunday off. Everything happened to work out, so we decided to go. Originally, the plan was to go to this big cider mill I always go to, Yates Cider mill. I absolutely love going there because its so huge and theres so much to do. They have a petting farm there for the kids, where they can feed all sorts of animals. They sell all sorts of donuts, carmel apples, fudge, apple cider, and I think you can even get apple pies and such. The place is built right next to a rather large stream/river, what have you, which goes into a wooded area. There are trails following along side the river into the trees and branch off every which way.

I thought it would be cool to go there because theres so much to do and it would be nice to walk around with Tom and Robert. Even though I offered to drive, Tom decided it was too long of a drive to go there, and told me we were going to a cider mill about five miles away from his house. Now, part of the reason I like Yates so much is because its so far away from everything else. No real busy roads. While it is a busy place, its so huge, you're not stuck around 5487086743 people. I started to get a little disappointed about the whole trip before we even got there, because I couldn't imagin this place being any good, being so close to large neighborhoods, busy roads and such.

So, we get there. I'm pissed off immediately. Its sitting right on the corner of a busy 4-way intersection. The parking lot is incredibly tiny, packed full of ridiculous SUV's who's owners didn't know the first thing about parking. There are people everywhere. Everywhere. The lines were so long for donuts and cider, I had to go off with Robert while Tom waited in line for everything. When we finally got all of our food, there was no place to sit. All the tables were taken, people were just sitting every where. We found a spot on some wood chips to sit quietly and eat, but were soon penned in by a couple with a noisy kid and a stoller. grrrr.

Tom picked the place because it was close to his house and he said he remembered taking field trips there when he was younger. He said he remembered there being a lot to do at this place. I guess when you're a kid, things are always different than when you're a kid. There was absolutely nothing to do at this place. The "stream" was a little trickle of water, running through some cement blocks. A few ducks were floating around, which at least gave us something to do, since we couldn't walk around anywhere.

I guess I just had too high of expectations for today. I got a particular image in my head, and when that didn't happen, it ruined the day for me. Don't get me wrong, I had a ton of fun with the two of them. It was fun acting goofy with Robert, seeing how far he could jump off a big rock, having him jump on my back and lean forward on me to try and squash me, having him show me his loose tooth. Its too bad Tom never acts goofy with us.... So, all that was fun, and I got to eat some yummy donuts and cider, but it wasn't what I wanted. Oh well...maybe next time. If there is a next time.

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