laying low

1:43 pm | 09.14.05

I've been laying low for the past couple of days...

I took the whole week off of work so I could acutally accomplish some stuff around the apartment. The clutter has been piling up for quite some time now, I'm starting to feel quite suffocated in this place. There is also a ton of reorganizing that needs to be done...when I moved in, I just threw stuff in whatever closet I thought worked at the time. Now that I need the stuff, I'm running around the place trying to figure out where I put it. Aside from all the "housework" to which I need to attend, theres the ever tedious paperwork stuffs as well. I desparately need to find a new job and its quite obvious one isn't just going to land in my I need to put in loads of time actively seeking better employment and sending out resumes. It was also in my original intent to catch up on this old thing. There are about eight or so months missing here and I thought I could start filling in the holes here and there...

Instead of tackling the above mentioned, I've been catching up on Six Feet Under and Law & Order: SVU episodes, two tv shows with which I've become completely obsessed. And, I've just being lazy in general. I've spoken with my mom once in the past four days. I've touched zero closets, cupoboards, and piles in the entire apartment. And this is my half-assed attempt at an update....My heart just hasn't been into any of that the past couple of days, given my condition and mind set. Things are starting to get a little better, a little easier for me after Saturday and Mondays events.

Yesterday I was able to finish the two writing samples a prospective job asked me to do for them. I had put it off for nearly two weeks, I'm almost fairly certain they've written me off as a candidate entirely, if the job hasn't already been filled. I managed to send out maybe 15 resumes earlier this afternoon, as well as submitt three "banner ads" that will run on the diaryland website. I'm also in the process of reading Tom's script that he emailed me three weeks ago that I never got around to reading. So, I suppose I've been somewhat productive, right?

Hello to all of those who got here by clicking on one of my banners. Sorry about the depressingly dull entry you've found...

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