monday numbers

11:57 pm | 09.26.05

I don't really have much to report for today, other than I had a really awesome night at work.

I suppose it was to make up for the absolute shit weekend I had, especially the horrible night I worked in systems. Numbers probably don't mean anything to anyone who reads this, but here they are none the less...

I finished out the night with $7700 in volume and $380 in warranties. I haven't had numbers that high in a very very long time. Not bad for a Monday night. Not bad at all.

The numbers I put up tonight pretty much even out the wretched weekend I had, considering the fact I made more tonight, a Monday night, than I did Saturday and Sunday combined. How sad is that? I just hope today was the start of a wonderful trend that the rest of the week follows. I could use a bigger paycheck....

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