pictures tell the story

11:01 pm | 10.27.05

What an eventful day! I can't remember the last time I was this busy on a day I didn't have to work. It felt nice to be out running errands rather than just sitting inside all day, being a lazy bum. Here's a rundown of what happened...if anyone cares...

Tom and I got new phones. Both of our contracts were almost up, so we decided it was time to renew them and upgrade our phones. Since I get a fairly decent discount through my dad and cingular, Tom and I decided to get a joint contract to save a little money on our phone bill. Of course, any money we were hoping to save went right out the window as soon as we saw all the cool new features our phones have and the services required in order to actually use those cool new features. They said we could try them out until the end of the year, after that we can cancel them if we end up not using those features.

I got a cute little flip phone with a zoom camera built into it. Yeah, yeah...I know, nothing big, right? But my phone was two years old and at the time I couldn't afford a phone with a camera or speaker phone or caller-id on the outside or anything else really. So let me be excited about it...

Shortly after spending $400 on phones with Tom, I had to pick up the little sophie butt from the vet. I felt terrible leaving her there as long as I did, but I didn't really have a choice. I figured if i left her there while I was running errands, I wouldn't have to worry about not being able to keep an eye on her and making sure she didn't chew out her stitches or anything like that. She meowed the entire way home through her little crate. I'm sure she was pissed as hell at me for leaving her in that place. The people at the vet clinic seemed to lover her, though. They got really excited about her when I came to pick her up. The vet kept talking about how playful and cute she is, how she'd try to play with anyone who walked by her cage. He also made fun of her attempts at meowing...which sounds more like a little yappie dog yipping at you. If that makes sense....

She's free!! Sophie couldn't wait to get out of her little crate and be back in her own home. I missed having her here, so I'm glad she's home too!

And was off to the cider mill with Tom and Robert. We drank cider, ate donuts, and shared a carmel apple (which made someone's face all sticky and gooey.) Tom and Robert picked out some really perfect pumpkins to carve for Halloween, I can't wait to see what they'll look like. Here's some pictures of some really goofy people.

And lastly...there were the pumpkins. Steph and I decided to carve our pumpkins tonight, since we didn't know when else we'd get a chance to before Halloween. It was incredibly messy, but fun as usual. Steph's turned out pretty cool, she's always been creative with her designs. Mine, of course, looks retarded since I can't get anything to turn out the way I imagine it. Clumsy hands...

Look at all the pumpkin guts on our kitchen floor!!

My ridiculously fanged pumpkin....

All three of our pumpkins lined up and lit on our front porch. They look pretty cool out there, don't they?

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