as if i never left the place...

8:39 pm | 02.05.06

I would be lying if I said I was glad to be back from vacation. Our vacation bordered closely enough to my ideal life with Tom that I would have given anything to make sure it never ended. Sadly, we're back home now with nothing more than a few pictures to remind us of our trip. And of course, the life we left behind a week ago was all too eagerly awaiting our return...

Tom and I had to jump right back into our old routine our first day back from vacation and get back to work. Sundays of all days to come back after vacations.... if ever there was a day I loath to work and would do anything to get out of working that day, it would be Sunday. Needless to say, this Sunday was yet another one of those Sundays I so desparately wished I could have just stayed in bed and have aboslutely nothing to do with my job and all those annoyingly whiney and demanding customers I deal with way too often....

And here I go beating that same dead horse I've been beating since I first learned to hate my job at good old MC....

Next Sunday happens to be the first inventory of the year at MC. Of course, for the fifth time in a row, I am on the inventory team. Even before I left for vacation, the managers had us doing projects to prepare for the upcoming inventory. The store has been in such a shit state lately, ever since our GM took away our training pay in the morning and no one wants to come in an hour early in the morning to take care of stock at our usual $4 hourly wage. Still, it has to be done, and since the managers know that I am a competent worker who understands whats going on and what needs to be done, if I don't take time out of selling and making money for myself...then they take everything out on me. Fun stuff....
The paycheck I recieved while on vacation was pathetically small, thanks to two things: all the projects sucking up my time when I should be selling, and because we have way too many people working my department compared to the number of buying customers we've been getting lately. My next paycheck should include my vacation pay, provided my manager remembered to submit my form (here's hoping...) but I can't see it being much larger than the last one I received, once again thanks to all the projects I just know they're going to have me do....

Does anyone know of a job in the area that can guarantee at least $15 an hour after taxes and benefits??? If you do, leave a comment leaving the details....I could really use a lift out of hell right about now...

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