no arts, a few beats, and some eats

10:46 pm | 09.05.04

I should have just left without him, instead of waiting half the night for him....

Tom and I had plans to go to Arts, Beats, & Eats tonight out in Pontiac. Two and a half hours after the fact, we finally head out to Pontiac. I spent most of that time waiting for him to show up. The rest of it I spent dragging my feet while getting ready. I had pretty much lost my motivation to get ready and go, since I had been put on hold for so long.

So, we eventually made it out there. Swarms of people leaving made it difficult to get around anywhere. Yes, swarms of people leaving. We got there so late, people had already spent the entire day out there amongst the art tents and listening to concerts that they wanted to go home. We parked and started walking around. A majority of the vendor booths were closed so I didn't get a chance to look at any of the artwork. What was still open was just a bunch of cheap jewelry and other odds and ends people were trying to sell.

At least the food tents were still open. For a while anyways. They were open just long enough for Tom and I to walk the strip, figure out what we wanted to spend our tickets on, and walk back and get it. The food wasn't too bad. Not as good as it has been on previous years, but decent anyways. I suppose we could have made wiser decisions had we not been in such a hurry to actually get something to eat and get through the crowds.

I didn't get to catch any concerts at the main pavillion. I caught maybe 20 minutes of one band I had been looking forward to hearing. They were supposed to go on earlier in the day, and I was pissed off that while waiting all night for Tom to show up, I missed them perform. Thankfully, I was able to see them for a few minutes.

Other than that, I don't have much to say about Arts, Beats, & Eats. It sucked basically. I missed a majority of what I wanted to hear and see. I couldn't help but wish I would have asked someone else to go, someone who would have actually enjoyed themselves and would have been able to leave earlier. argh...I didn't even get any good pictures in. I actually took my camera and everything. ugh. no point in complaining about all of this now.

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