death star: day two

10:12 pm | 01.17.04

So, day two of my internship wasn't nearly as exciting as my first day. And my first day wasn't really all that exciting to begin, as I'm sure you'll see, I don't have much to report on.

I managed to make it to work on time and arrive on the correct floor. I made the mistake of telling Nick what happened to me in the morning and he proceeded to make fun of me until floor ten was firmly engrained into my brain. I suppose embarassment is always a great technique to get someone to remember something, huh?

Anyways, I did next to nothing for the majority of the morning. Nick and I sat around and talked all morning while our supervisor was in a meeting. Our supervisor took us out to lunch. Well, she paid at least. We only get 45 minutes for lunch and with the complex as crazy as it is, thats definitely not enough time to actually go out and eat. We got to sit in the spiffy glass dome cafeteria. I kind of like sitting at my desk and eating better...

After lunch, Nick and I went over a project he was handing over to me for the head of the department. Looks like if I finish this project correctly, it will lead to some great recognition and a possible letter of recommendation from the head. He's some important big wig and it supposedly means a great deal if you can get a letter of recommendation from him. hmmmm hopefully this works out.

For my project, I get to take out a company car next week. Exciting!!!!

The rest of the afternoon, Nick, the other intern, and myself spent wearing ourselves out. We had to pass fliers out to almost the entire DC complext, the tower and the main building. The tower itself is 15 floors. That took a while. The main building was a whole different story. Lets just say I did so much walking, my legs actually started to hurt. It took us three hours to cover most of the building....but we still didn't get to all of the departments. I hope I never have to do that again, even though it was an indepth tour of the complex.

And that was my day...trapped in the DeathStar building. I still had to sit through a three hour class. I ended up passing out on the couch after dinner, thats how exhausted I was. Hopefully I'll be able to hold up a little better next week. If not, I'm in big trouble...

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