this is getting real old, people

2:23 pm | 12.28.02


I'm getting sick and tired of always getting ditched. This marks the third time in less than a month and a half that someone has bailed out on me with no word from them at all. a the same person. What makes matters worse for me is the fact that theres never any apology, let alone some lame ass excuse.

Kyle was supposed to meet up with me at a bar in Windsor last weekend. Never showed up. He was supposed to call me last night when he got off of work so we could go to the No BBQ BBQ show together. Never called. By the time I figured out that he bailed again, everyone else that I called was already busy and couldn't go with me. I ended up going to the show by myself.

Do I really need to remind you of the Courtney incident? I haven't heard from her since. She's probably either too afraid or jsut too bitchy to call me. She didn't even send me a Christmas card. The first year in I don't know how many. I saw her last weekend at the bar, with her unfortunate looking boyfriend. She seems to be putting on some weight...or at least thats how she looked in the outfit she was wearing. But she couldn't even bother to say hi...even when she came over to our table to argue with Marc.

To make matters worse, I received a letter the other day from a friend I haven't heard from in a couple of months. I think I wrote maybe three letters in hopes of getting a reply sooner or later, but I didn't know it would take this long for a reply. Anyways...the letter basically said don't contact me until I contact you. ummmm ok?

After all of this and a few other incidents I can't really mention here, I haven't been feeling too good about my relationships with people. After last weekend I was seriously considering becoming a hermit. Who knows, it might be good for me.

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