who's looking forward to inventory?

12:15 pm | 09.12.03

Well, its Friday...the beginning of the weekend. I always tend to think of weekends as supposedly being relaxing and not too busy. Don't plan on seeing or hearing much of me this weekend. I sold my soul to Micro Center.

Tonight...I close. I don't have a problem with this because I always close on Friday nights. What I do have a problem with is the fact that I open tomorrow. But, not only do I open, I close as well. And...not only do I open and close tomorrow, but I'm working inventory as well.

Inventory? What does that entail....

My sources tell me not to plan on getting out of work any earlier than 3 am Sunday morning.

Oh sure, I tell them...I don't have a problem with that. No problem at all. Why don't you just set up a little cot in the warehouse somewhere for me since I'll be spending every single waking hour of my weekend at work. I have to be to work Sunday morning at 10 am. Yes.... that's 10 am after leaving work at 3 am.

What a fun weekened this is going to be.

I can't really complain though. This inventory is good for a few reasons. Sure, its going to set me even further behind in my piles of homework I didn't get done last weekend because of Wheatland. But...all the hours will really boost my paycheck. Unfortunately, I won't be going into overtime, even with my 15+ hour day I'm working tomorrow. Now that I'm down to part time, over time hours will be few and far between. Last week it said I worked a total of 19.5 hours. ummm yeah....thats really shitty. I'm not going to like it when I get that paycheck.

And, aside from the boost in my paycheck, its making me look really good with all the managers. Apparently they're really liking the idea of me staying to help out with inventory since no one else in the department stepped up to take it on. I'm the newbie in the department and already they're trusting me with stuff like this. I guess the lead of my department specifically asked for me to help him out this weekend....should I be happy about this?

argh...I am not looking forward to inventory. anyone want to work for me??

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