inventory...of hell

2:46 am | 09.13.03

My body is turning against me...

It hates me after the abuse I just put it through for the past 16.4 hours.

Ok, its a little before 3 in the morning...I made it home before they said I would. But that does not change the fact that my whole body aches. My back is ready to give out in about seven different places. My legs are screaming and my knees...well, they're just not happy with me at all. They've been popping all night, making it a pain in the ass trying to get up and down ladders...and off the floor when trying to check stuff on bottom shelves.

Ugh....I'm how old again? You'd swear I was 50- something. Even the oldest person there was holding up better than I was. What. the. hell. is. my. problem?

Tonight was not fun, let me tell you. If you ever have the pleasure of working retail and a manager asks you if you feel like helping out with the other fucking way!! 12896234 extra hours and two free but incredibly greasy slices of pizza are not worth an aching body or the hours you could have been sleeping.

I'm going to bed now. I have to be back to work in less than 7 hours.

Oh goody!!

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