nonsense part 2

10:43 pm | 11.03.03

So...I'm not as busy as I said I would be. Well, I am...I'm just majorly procrastinating, which is to be expected since I have deadlines coming up. Time for more nonsense...

At the party I went to on Friday, someone asked me why I painted my toenails (was wearing strappy, yet extremely uncomfortable shoes for once instead of my frumpy docs I wear to work every day) but never kept my hands neatly manicured. I tried explaining to him that I found my hands ugly and wanted to draw as little attention to them as possible. Not that my toes are all that great to look at, but I think they look better with polish on. Unfortunately, that comment lead to a five minute inspection of my hands by three different people. We all agreed that we couldn't see just how ugly my hands really are since my boa had turned them black. Wow. As if that wasn't embarassing.... At least he didn't say anything to me about it at work the next morning.

I need a haircut. Bad. The last time a pair of scissors touched my hair was some time in April I believe. I've been trying to grow my hair out, which is proving to be a very slow process these days, so I haven't felt the need to cut it. But I need one now, my hair is looking pretty grisly with split ends and uneven lengths.

I've been thinking about dropping a ton of money on a hair cut and color soon. I want to go to one of the trendy salons downtown (rather than the cheepo SuperCuts I've been going to...can't beat a hair cut for $11) where they can help me find the perfect cut for me. I figure if I go there, they really know what they're doing so they'll be able to work with me and find the right style that suits my face shape and possibly go permanent with this whole auburn/red hair color. Its really growing on me now.

I played Quake III for the first time this weekend. I know after my attempt at Unreal Tournament I swore I would never touch another fps again...but I had nothing better to do and I figured what the hell. I'm not so good at it, but apparently I own with the rail gun, much to Dan's surprise. I beat him...but I'm pretty sure he let me have the first couple of wins, until he realized that I was a lot better than we both thought I would be.

I'm getting really tired of explaining myself to my family about Dan. This weekend Greg and Amy stopped by for a visit and they happened to still be there when I came home from work. And...wouldn't you know it, "a little birdy told them..." and I had to sit there and explain to them what happened. Why does it matter??? argh

For the past month or so, I've gotten in the habit of weighing myself every morning. I'm happy to report that I am now going on my third week in a row weighing in at 125 or thereabouts. I can't remember the last time I weighed in under 130 for more than five days straight. If it weren't for the fact that the holiday season is quickly approaching, I would have said 120 isn't too far off...but I know its a long way off at this point.

Three days in, and I'm still at 787 words....better get writing.

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