McCann-Erickson interview

12:20 pm | 04.27.04

What a nerve wracking morning.

It has been quite a while since my last job interview...I can honestly say I wasn't even close to being prepared for this mornings interviews.

Yes, interviews. Not just one....I had three. Ugh.

If ever there was a time where my stomach was completely balled up and tied in knots and doing back flips and all that, it would be this morning. This internship seems like such a good opportunity for me (even though I don't quite know what I'd be doing), I didn't want to mess up my chances of getting it.

So yeah, I had three interviews this morning. One with the executive VP, one with the director of accounts, and some other person, I Don't remember what her official position was. Each one asked me a million questions, most of which I had no idea how to answer to sound even remotely intelligent. They asked me a ton of questions about my internship at DC, by which they seemed rather impressed. And they asked why I wanted this internship. Unfortunately, other than the fact that it would be a great opportunity for me, I don't really know why else i would want the internship there. I think the job would be interesting...since its in a field I don't know much about. Then, of course, they asked the typical interview questions - things like what are some strengths and weaknesses? What would your currently employer say about you? Crap like that. I hate those kinds of questions.

Here�s what I know about them: McCann-Erickson is the worlds largest advertising agency. Their Detroit office is their second largest office, New York being the largest. They are located at the 25th floor (top floor) of the Troy Tower building and the view from up there is absolutely gorgeous. I thought I could see a lot from the 10th floor of DC, you should see it from up there! Their office is also absolutely amazing. Everyone there was dressed in designer clothing. The two women who interviewed me had the biggest wedding rings I've ever seen. They all have money. I found out that the Detroit office's largest account is Buick. The agency as a whole is responsible for the MasterCard 'Priceless' commercial campaign...I love those commercials!

They would expect me to work full time, plus overtime if they needed me to. I suppose this means I would be quitting Micro Center, but that shouldn't matter. They said they usually end up placing about 50% of their summer interns. If I get this internship, then I have a really good chance of having a real job right out of college.

Oh man. Everyone cross their fingers for me!!!

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