current situation

9:07 pm | 07.09.04

APparently she's getting mopey again. She went away for the weekend, courtesy of her sister, to get things off of her mind. And, of course, guess who's trying to get her to feel better? Yeah...that would be him.

I don't know if they've been talking this much all along and he just hasn't told me (wouldn't surprise me in the least if this was the case) or if they've just recently become more comfortable with talking to each other about things. I get the feeling that they've had a lot more 'face to face' time lately as well, but he conveniently leaves that part out any time he talks to me about it.

She called him up on the way to her house, kid still in the car, on the way back from his house, to bitch at him about 'daddy's friend' spending the afternoon with them. No, that wasn't going to make the kid feel even worse than she already made him feel about the whole thing...but, after some explanation, she calmed down and was, according to Tom, ok with it, so long as she knows ahead of time.
One more person involved with the scheduling of my relationship.

I guess she asked him if I made him happy. There wasn't a hint of sarcasm or bitterness in her voice, which completely put him on edge. After finding out that her question was sincere, he told her yes, to which she replied, "I wish I made you happy...." When he told me this, I couldn't help but laugh. I wanted to start laughing hysterically because it was just too funny to hear that she had said something like that. People like that kill me. She was with him for how long? And she made him completely miserable for how long? Something tells me his happiness wasn't even in her list of priorities.

So why the sudden change of heart? I don't know. And it scares the hell out of me. Is she changing her tactics to get back with him? Possibly. Is she really being sincere? I don't know her well enough to say, but from what I've been told about her, I'd have to say no to this one...but theres always the possibility that I am wrong. Whatever game she's playing now, I just hope Tom doesn't fall for it. I can so see him falling for it...and if he does, I am out of here.

I am not going to stand by and watch the two of them become close again. I hate her enough as it is now, and have had to restrain myself way too much for me to ever let things be ok if they become close again. Now that I say that, he'll probably go back to doing everything involving her and the kid behind my back. If thats the case, I'm out too. I can picture the two of them trying to get everything back to some semblance of normal, so the three of them can hang out again.

While I should be happy that they could work out all of their problems and make everything ok for the kid again, I know that that will be the end of me. There will be absolutely no reason for me to be there anymore. I will have served my purpose for the time being. While they might not get back together, I'm not going to stand back and watch someone I'm supposed to be with spend more time with someone else.


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