an afternoon of errands

7:53 pm | 07.08.04

It was one of those things where when it actually happened, you didn't have to worry about it....but if you didn't worry about it, you knew things were going to go wrong.

If that makes any sense to any of you, it applies to today...

I spent the afternoon with Tom and Robert. Like I said, it was one of those things Tom and I couldn't help but to worry about it. But, strangely enough, this afternoon went smoothly. Or so I thought anyways. I haven't talked to Tom about his thoughts on the afternoon.

But, this afternoon was a big step. The three of us haven't spent the afternoon together since the zoo and that didn't go over real well. So, we took a big step, trying it again. I suppose we'll have to wait a few days to see what sort of things we have to deal with...

We took it a lot slower this time, though. It wasn't a whole day out together like the zoo, and we broke our activities up to keep everything short. I still had a lot of fun, though...even though Tom and I were probably both slightly on edge about the day. It was cool being able to goof around with the two of them, although I'm sure there were times Tom wishes I wouldn't have been so goofy around the kid. Oh well...I'm still new to all of this.

Everyone cross your fingers for me, though....and hope that this wasn't just a one time deal or that we didn't set ourselves back like we did with the zoo.

In other news, I went shopping yesterday just to kill some time and I ended up buying a few things for Tom. I was a little nervous giving him the stuff I bought since, as he said, they're not really him. But, I only had to take back three things, so it wasn't a total waste.

I even ended up testing a bunch of different kinds of cologne since Tom was completely out of the stuff he had that I actually liked. I came home with three different kinds, the one we both knew we liked, and two that were sort of a shot in the dark with him. He told me to take one back, because he didn't want to smell like his brother and have me confuse the two of that was ever going to happen. [side note: he says I'm biased, but I definitely think I got the cutest Dillon brother ;0)] He ended up liking the other one and has actually been wearing it....which has been absolutely awful. Not awful smelling, but awful in the sense that he smells soooo good and I have yet to be alone with him so I can just ravage him. hehe

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