a year, quietly

11:56 pm | 10.22.04

And so, a year has quietly gone by.

The year itself was by no means quiet, seeing as it had to have been one of the most tumultuous I've survived thus far. By quiet, I mean it came and went with little notice, little fanfare. Given the state of things of the past year, I thought there would be at least some congratulations or praise in order. However, I can see how we would want this to bypass us as quickly and quietly as possibly, seeing as Tom and I have been clinging to this by bare threads the past month or so.

I suppose none of you really know what any of this means. Let me spell it out for you...

Somewhere between the dates October 7 and October 20 of 2003, Tom and I started seeing each other. Tom claims he sees our relationship as having started this far back. However, evidence suggests that while this could be the case, our relationship could have also started as late as March.

Relationships can be tricky things, once you're out of high school and there isn't a formal date a couple can call their own. That is, unless couples still go around asking if the other will 'go out with them' or something else along those lines. Who knows. Maybe this, just like everything else in my relationship, has been made incredibly difficult and complicated.

Its interesting to look back on this past year, to consider the development of my relationship with Tom. In some aspects, we've grown. I know I've cultivated certain qualities rather quickly to deal with this very strange relationship. In other aspects, however, it appears that things remain stagnant, or are moving backwards. Obviously, these things have not been the easiest for me to deal with.

Over the past year, I've learned that I shouldn't continue to look back and dwell on the past. This, among other things, has been one of the biggest roadblocks I've had. I still have problems with things that have happened in the past, but I am trying my hardest to move forward. As difficult as it has been for me in recent months, I am also trying my hardest to remain optomistic about my relationship with Tom. I see what we could have and what we both want, and ultimately, our goals are not so far off they are unattainable. Unfortunately, there are quite a few more roadblocks we have to clear and hurdles we have to jump before we can get there. Once we get there, I can honestly say we have nothing but blissful happiness waiting for us on the other side.

It's getting there that is the hard part....

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