no new site

11:41 pm | 01.05.05

Ok, I really hated the way the new site looked...well, maybe I didn't hate it entirely, I just realized that it would have taken too much work to get it to look the way I wanted, so I took it down and put this one back up. It has been up forever, but I just don't have it in me to work on a new design any more. Things are just too stressful and the thought of having to concentrate on something as time consuming and detail-oriented as working with code gives me a headache. Yes, I am a quitter...

Things went from bad to worse around dad is now blaming my mom for everything that happened. What an asshole. Why can't he ever take responsibility for his own actions? As if completely lying his ass off wasn't enough for him, now he has to turn everything around and blame my mom. He has absolutely no right to blame her for anything, she sat around silently taking his shit for 30 years and she's going to let him do this as well?

I should have figured she was going to cave....

I hate this.

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