dondero: coming home

11:10 pm | 10.15.05

I know I went off on the whole political rant about last night being the very last homecoming game for my high school ever. And I know I never really talked about how the evening went or who I saw there, or any of that...

That's what this entry is for. Not that it's going to be all that interesting...

- Dondero lost the homecoming game, which was no surprise there. Our football team is notoriously horrible. In the four years I was forced to attend every single football game thanks to marching band, I think I saw them win five games? In four years. Thats bad. And, I have yet to see Dondero win a homecoming game.

- I went to the game with Kelli('00) and her sisters Nicole('03) and Sarah. The five of us (my sister included) sat in the bleachers the whole time paying more attention to the people in the stands and the people walking by than the game. We were just trying to see if we knew anyone there.

- There was a tremendous turnout for the last homecoming game. I was really surprised that many people showed up. But, as usual, I was disappointed with the turnout from my class ('00) Yet, I can't figure out why it surprises me all the time, considering the fact that even when we were in high school, the people in my class could never muster up enough school spirit to do anything with anyone else in our class. I do partly blame the class president for not getting out any sort of communication about the game. (heh)

- After the game, we walked around the grounds for a bit, to find people to catch up with. Surprisingly, there were a few people who didn't recognize me. I couldn't quite figure that one out, considering I haven't changed much in five years. At least I don't think I've changed...Well, maybe I have. I now wear clothes that actually fit me, not clothes 3 sizes too big for me. I'm in high school, with my big, baggy clothes, no one really knew what I looked like, whether I was anorexic, overweight, or somewhere in between, and any deviation from that look would be a huge improvement.

- I cannot believe how much weight people have gained. There are some people I didn't recognize at first because they look like they had gained 20+ pounds since the last time I saw them. I joked with Kelli afterwards about how now I don't feel so bad about the weight I've gained!! Yeah, thats not very nice, is it?

- The main questions of the evening were: "So, are you married/engaged yet?" "Are you still living with your parents" "Do you have any kids?"

- My answers were: "No/No." "No." "No." I heard a lot more 'yes' answers coming from people than I had originally expected. Steph comment on how more people she graduated with in her class had kids than any of the classes between mine and hers combined. Crazy.

In case you cant read the sticker, it says:
OAKS 1927 - 2006

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