
11:46 pm | 10.17.05

Barger said this: Katie, you just needed to get around more. I probably saw 20 people from our class there. Granted that's one tenth of our class size, but hey, I didn't expect more than 10. There was you, me, Kelli, ....[list of names removed because I don't know who reads this and don't want to get in trouble]... and maybe 4 or 5 more that I forgot. I hope you at least had a good time. You didn't really make mention of that. Have a good weekend. @ 2005-10-21 08:23:23

After reading this comment, I realized I wasn't exactly fair in my description of the homecoming game. Not that it really matters at this point, but I feel the need to clarify....

I did see all of those people listed, I just didn't talk to all of them for various reasons. Most of the people listed don't really know who I am and so I didn't feel it appropriate to approach them at the game. I figured it would have been far more comfortable for them as well as myself if I didn't strike up a conversation with them. It would only be ridiculously awkward trying to force a conversation with someone who wouldn't really even talk to me in high school. The few people I did know there, I spent a majority of my time talking with them, catching up with them. For some, it had been over a year since I had last seem them, others, nearly five years. There was a lot to talk about with those few people. It was very nice catching up with that small handful of people I did see. I was just commenting on the fact that its too bad that more people didn't show up...

In my previous entry, I commented on how I was disappointed at the turnout of students from my class. Yes, only one tenth of our class showed up to support Dondero's last homecoming game. I didn't expect that many people to show up, but I am very grateful for those that did. However, my comment was geared more towards the fact that its always the same people at all the functions, and always the same people that say "Screw it, why should I bother going?" I bring this fact up because there were three people in particular I was hoping I'd get a chance to see, and I know Kelli was dying to see one person, but none of them showed up. At first, I thought it might be because they couldn't make it into town to see the game and visit with people. But when I saw one at the movie theatre the next night, and heard that the other two had ditched on another friend, saying the whole night was lame well, I hope you understand why I made that comment.

Does that make sense?

But, I did have fun. Despite the evening being slightly uncomfortable for me socially (I absolutely hate large crowds) I had a great time seeing all those people. Even if I didn't see all the people I was hoping to see, it was nice to see a big turnout over all.

If I may pose a few questions to my Dondero/Royal Oak readers, please feel free to leave the answers in a comment for me below, I'd really appreciate it.

Who are you and how do you know me?
Did you attend the homecoming game?
If so, did you enjoy the game?


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