wedding planning: roadblock #1

11:45 pm | 12.05.05

The initial shock of our engagement has finally started to wear off, so Tom and I have begun planning for our big day. We've set a date, provided that any of the facilities we like are available that day, and I've picked a color. Other than that, we have a lot of work to do.

The other night, as Steph and I were wandering around Meijers at 1 am with my mom, we picked up a couple bridal magazines so I could start getting ideas. As I was flipping through a Michigan based one, I saw various ads for banquet halls and such. Up until now, I always thought I never gave my wedding much thought. But, when I saw one ad in particular, all these daydreams I used to have came flooding back to me. I dreamed about the old fashion mansion with its beautifully decorated rooms and the wood floor in the ballroom, and the outdoor ceremony I could have in the amazing garden....and all the amazing pictures I could have on any of the staircases....

I called the place today to start getting prices and to see if they were available for the date I wanted. Surprisingly, they were still available. As the woman described all the features available, I suddenly became more and more excited about having my wedding there. As soon as I got off the phone, I called my mom to tell her all about it. She seemed to think it sounded like a nice place as well...

The only thing about having a "dream" in mind, it never works out.

The place I want to have mine at has a limit of 94 people since I'd have to have mine indoors on the particular date I've chosen. At first, I thought we could swing an intimate, but incredibly gorgeous wedding. Of course, no such luck for me, right? Tom's family alone is so freaking huge, he has over 70 family members he has to invite. Its not exactly fair for me to tell my parents they have 24 people they can invite, especially when they said they'd help me pay for the thing.

So, its back to the drawing board for me. I've spent the past hour or so searching for places online. I have a list of about 10 places I need to call to get pricing and availability info. My day off tomorrow will consist primarily of me calling all the places on my list.... Exciting.

I'm so not looking forward to planning this all ready...

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