a wasted day of sorts

11:26 pm | 12.13.05

I started off the day with a list of things I had to do....and I'm ending my day with pretty much that same list of things to do, minus a few things. You could say I had a rather unproductive day, but I suppose it wasn't really that bad.

A dentist appointment was the first thing on my list. While I was a few minutes late, it wasn't something I could really screw unless I were to completely forget or not show up at all. I've been having some problems with my dentist for...oh, lets say the past three to five years, so this was my first time seeing this new dentist. I certainly won't be going back to see him in six months...I'll just have to fill out stupid paperwork every six months until I find a dentist I'm comfortable enough. I tried getting the information on the dentist that Tom goes to, since it seems to be covered under our insurance...but he was too engrossed in his video game to take two seconds to answer me or give me the information.

After the dentist, the rest of my day was a little more flexible, provided that I picked Tom up for lunch, was available for my phone interview with Pulte Homes, shipped one of the ebay items, and called a few, if not all of the banquet halls on my list. Ok, so maybe I was a little more productive than I originally thought I was...but it still seems like I had a really lazy day.

I managed to pick Tom up for lunch and drop him off in time for me to make it nearly home for my 2 pm phone interview with some lady from Pulte Homes. I sent a letter to their hr department hoping that someone would be interested by my resume and hire me. At first, I thought maybe someone was interested, but it seems like they're just giving me the run around now. The woman was supposed to call me at 2. I made it home around 2:05 after dropping Tom back off at work...and still no call from her. When 2:30 rolled around and I still hadn't heard from her, I called her office to see what happened. Her admin was surprised she hadn't called me for the interview (since she was the one who set up the appointment) and put me on hold. 10 minutes later the admin came back on and said she had no idea where she was or why she never called me, but promised that she would give me a call back as soon as she found out what happened.

I never got a call back.

While lamenting the lack of professionalism people in charge of hiring new employees seem to have, I managed to call a majority of banquet halls on my list. Apparently the weekend I've chosen is incredibly busy and a lot of places don't even have that date open. In a panic, I started asking what other dates they had open that month. The places that were available that date, or even weekend, had strict capacity rules that I'm not sure we're going to meet. I either had to promise a max of 150 people or a minimum of 225 (or $12,000) for most places. uhhhh last I checked, Tom and I don't know that many people and certainly don't have the money for something that elaborate. Looks like we're eloping to cut some corners here...

After that, I sat in front of my computer playing the addictive game luxor from msn games until Tom came home from work... yeah, I sat in front of my computer for almost three hours straight, between making phone calls and playing the game. I never made it to the post office to ship off that package for ebay...the guy is going to be pissed when he finds out it took me a week to ship the damn thing out to him. oh well...

I just got back from having to make an emergency trip to Walgreens to pick Tom up a few things. His back and neck have really been bothering him the past couple of days, and working today didn't help things. So, I had to run out and grab him a tube of Icy Hot and a heating pad. I suggested that we run over to my parents house for the evening so I could take care of some much needed laundry and he could soak in the hot tub. He decided it against it when I turned down his request that I get in the hot tub with him. When my mom called, even she said he needed to get in the hot tub and that it was open to him whenever he needed to use it. But, he turned her offer down as well because I still wouldn't get in with him. His loss....I'm sure he'll wish he got in if his back keeps stiffening up like this.

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