my weekend with Tom

11:58 pm | 01.22.06

What an exciting weekend! I haven't kept myself this busy and had this much fun in a really long time. It was nice having Tom around to spend my weekend with...

Friday night, Tom, Robert, and I went to see the DSO (Detroit Symphony Orchestra) Pops Orchestra perform the music from the Star Wars movies. It had been almost a year since the last time Tom and I had gone to a DSO performance, and we figured this might be a nice way to possibly introduce Robert to that kind of atmosphere. I must admitt, while it wasn't what I'm usually accustomed to when it comes to orchestra performances, I really did enjoy myself. I couldn't quite tell where which particular piece occured in what movie, but the orchestra did a really nice job. Tom and Robert seemed to enjoy themselves, especially when the actors came out on the stage in front of the orchestra to portray certain characters and act out key scenes from the movies. I'm sure had the actors not been there, we would have lost Robert to boredom after the first or second piece. He did start to get kind of antsy towards the end, but he's a seven year old and isn't used to having to sit still for that long. As we were walking through the main lobby to leave, we noticed that the actors dressed up in Star Wars costumes were socializing with the guests. I handed Robert a program and a pen and suggested that he go up to whatever characters he wanted, and get their "autographs." As shy as he is, he managed to walk up to one character and stand there holding out the program and pen, signaling that he wanted his autograph. He didn't have much else in him, so we left after one autograph. Despite his claim that he was going to stay up past midnight, Robert passed out on the car ride home....

Saturday night, Tom and I were finally able to use the movie passes my parents gave me. Well, they were originally a Christmas present from me and Steph to my parents, but since my dad works nights, they'll never have a chance to use them, and so they gave them back to me. Anyways, we used them to see the movie Underworld: Evolution, which was a great movie by the way. With the movie passes, Tom and I each got dinner, unlimited pop and popcorn throughout the movie, the comfiest leather movie seats I've ever sat in, and a near empty movie theater to see a movie that was recently released. Dinner was kind of gross, and slightly cheesy given the plasticware and plates, but better than nothing, so I can't complain too much.... Like I said, the seats were awesome in this movie theater. The seating in the movie theater is "by reservation" so we were able to see what seats had already been reserved and which ones were open. We were lucky enough to get seats pretty close to the middle, without people sitting all around us. And, of course, the movie was awesome. Nothing like seeing Kate Beckinsale in tight leather on a big screen. *drool* Ok, so now that my Angelina has turned all motherly and stuff, Kate is now my latest object. Anyways, Tom and I were able to do all of that tonight for the price of... $2. Yep. All I had to pay for was parking. Of course, two years ago when I bought the passes for my parents, I had to pay $50 for them, but still... given the tight budget we're on right now, it was nice not to have to shell out any more cash for such a fun evening.

And, on Sunday, despite the long list of chores I so desparately need to take care of around my apartment, Tom and I managed to go grocery shopping, clean up half digested cat yak off my nice beige rug, and save Jenny from her husbands work holiday party. Her husband, like Jenny, Tom, and I, works in retail and found it kind of difficult to squeaze in a holiday party during the mad holiday shopping rush. Tom and I crashed their party, helped ourselves to their food (and having Staples pay for it) and stole Jenny away from Scott for the rest of the night. It has been almost four years since Jenny worked at Staples, so its safe to say at this point, she didn't know most of the people there and was looking for a distraction. She seemed rather exited to see us, people she actually knew. The three of us ended up sitting a table over from the 30's crowd (they're all over the age of 30 except for the three of us and maybe two other people) and just talked about anything and everything for the rest of the night.

I'm about ready to crash right now, however lame that sounds. Like I said, it has been a while since I've had that much to do in one little weekend...and I'm out of shape for it. I'm so glad Tom and I were able to do all of that together, though...its so nice to spend that much time with him. I wish I had more weekends with him.

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