a little blogging never hurt

10:46 pm | 09.28.03

Time for a little blogging here...

I'm sorry, but this article amuses me to no end. I mean, come on! How do you expect to be taken seriously while illustrating your point with one of those in your hand?! The quotes in there crack me up!

Sounds like these students have too much time on their hands...

Ten Technologies that deserve to die

Speaking of dying, this is now illegal in Florida. Just in case you were wondering....

I guess we can't send Howard Stern to Singapore

"This is not an attack against mistresses. What we are after here is to check corruption." Looks like people in the Philippines are really starting to crack down on these sorts of things.

Not quite sure what to think about this

This article reminds me of A Rose for Emily that I had to read for fiction class. ahhh, eyebrow ring guy ;0)

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