feeling not so sexy

8:13 pm | 09.27.03

A few weeks ago I decided to wear a skirt to work. Ok, I know this isn't that big of a deal...I wear skirts to work on a semi-regular basis. The thing is, I don't usually wear my shorter skirts to work. I decided what the heck...lets go for the short skirt, lets see what happens. And so I wore the short skirt to work. But, I did something a little different than I normally do at work. In the past, whenever I've worn a skirt, I've always worn colorful knee socks underneath. Of course they never match my outfit, thats the whole fun of it all. I get a lot of comments on my socks...mostly people wondering why I go out of my house dressed like that. Some don't see it as being professional looking enough for work. Who really cares....

Anyways, like I said...I did something a little different. I decided that since I was going to wear a shorter skirt, maybe I should play with it a bit. Instead of wearing the knee socks I decided to go for some nylons. The thing was, at the time, it was going to be almost 80 degress that day, and I still had class. There was no way I was going to walk half way across campus dressed in a skirt and tights, sweating my ass off. Sooo....I went to the mall and did a little shopping.

I went to the mall and headed over to Victoria's Secret and bought myself a pair of oh so sexy thigh highs. You know...those black sheer thigh high nylons with the ultra sexy lacy tops? Yeah, those. I bought myself a pair of those. Just for kicks, you know? It feels like its been forever since the last time I felt sexy. Yes...I said sexy. I think feeling sexy is an important part of your every day life. Now, I'm not saying that if you don't feel sexy every single day, then theres something wrong with you. Its just that I can't even remember the last time I felt sexy or felt overly confident about my body...and that is not a good thing. Anyways...I thought I'd play around with that idea a little bit.

Did they work? Not really. They were more annoying than anything with all the walking I had to do at work. I'm sure I would have felt a little bit better about myself had people at work not walked past me, laughing their asses off at me. Geez...am I that bad looking in a skirt that people have to laugh? ;0( I think the sexiest I felt all day was when I was in my car trying to put the damn things on without ripping them. Oh, and trying not to get caught sitting in the parking lot at work with my skirt all hiked up hehe

When was the last time you felt sexy?

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