French Flamingos

6:16 pm | 02.08.02

Well, the weekend has finally arrived. Wasn't sure if I was going to make it or not. My head hurts very badly right now, I'm hoping that will go away as soon as I get some Pizzapopolis in my belly!! Yummm!! To re-cap events from this week, I was not fired! As a punishment for my actions Tuesday night, I am now required to not only work but CLOSE no less both Saturday and Sunday nights. YOu know how much that's going to suck?! about not having a life.

Today, a few really cool things happened that I thought were of some degree of hilarity or another. On my way to class, while enjoying (yet criticizing) the sunny weather this afternoon, I spotted a strange sight indeed!! An older man, presumably a professor, walked past Jeff and I carrying a pink flamingo!! I couldn't believe it! A bright, flourescent pink flamingo. Well, it wasn't a REAL flamingo, of course...rather, it was one of those tacky yet extremely cool lawn flamingos people always put on their neighbor's front lawn as some sort of practical joke. It was great...I suppose you had to be there to enjoy the hilarity of it. Come to think of it...I think I was the only one who thought it was funny. I'm not sure, what did you think, Jeff??

Hmmm...ok, I'll have to tell you guys all about the second super cool thing that happened to me today, later. Looks like we're going early for pizza, which I definitely can't pass up! To be continued....


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