ten-toed sloth

6:59 pm | 09.11.03

For no real reason at all, I woke up incredibly tired this morning. Its always a strange feeling to wake up feeling less refreshed than you did when you went to bed the night before. Unfortunately, I tend to go through spells like this...where weeks, and sometimes months, on end I wake up, day after day, incredibly exhausted. It doesn't matter how much or how little sleep I get...I am always tired. It doesn't matter what time I wake up, what time I go to bed, what I eat before I go to bed...no matter what I do, I always seem to wake up feeling tired....fatigued....lethargic.

This morning happened to be such a morning. I was dragging ass so bad...I could barely function to get myself out of bed. I can tell its going to be a bad day when it takes me 25 minutes just to muster up enough strength to even open one eye to see what time it is and how long the alarm clock has been going off. After I was finally able to open my eyes and keep them open longer than two seconds, I managed to stumble out of bed. And when I say stumble, I really mean stumble. I cannot believe how disoriented I am when I wake up and try to move around. Its not like that dizziness you feel if you stand up too quickly or whatever. I'm talking like I'm wobbling around my room, trying to find something to hold onto to keep me from falling over.

So, I stumble my way over to my desk and flip on my computer to check my email and catch up on any entries I missed that may have been written within the 7 or so hours I was asleep....like I do every morning. But this morning I was so out of it, I couldn't even make sense of the words. It took me 10 minutes to realize that there was no way in hell I would be able to decipher any of that in my current state. It was too weird.

As if any of that hadn't made my morning difficult enough already...taking a shower was quite interesting. Usually getting in the shower wakes me up. Sure I have to stand in there for about half an hour for it to have any affect on me what so ever, but it does help somewhat in waking me up. Well, this morning the shower just wasn't doing it for me. I realized today was going to be a long and painful day when I tried washing my face. Instead of using the face wash on my face....I ended up putting it in my hair. ugh....

By the time I could remember the process for proper grooming (and I think I still forgot to put deodorant on....) I was already late for my first class. Lunch rolled around and when I realized I wasn't going to make it in time to meet up with Dan and Eric on campus, I managed to move even slower, thinking I had enough time to at least grab myself lunch. And...in the end, I made it to one class.

One out of three classes in a day....not good when its only the first full week of classes.

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