(un)happy leap year day

11:11 pm | 02.29.04

I�d wish you all a Happy Leap Year day, but it hasn�t been all that happy, has it?

I had to work today�yet another day at MC, whoring myself out to the customers, trying to get just about any sale I can because I need to make money. I�m starting to get that feeling I used to get while waitressing. You know, that feeling you get when you know you have to do something you don�t want to just to make some money. Kissing someone�s ass you just can�t stand, but have to grin and bear it anyways because you need to squeeze every penny you can out of that person. Argh. I might as well be waitressing right now, I�d probably be making more money for the amount of ass I�ve had to kiss just to make a sale.

Today my desperation for a sale caused a few problems. Well, not problems really, but things just didn�t work out the way I thought they would. Let�s make this short and sweet�

I had a big sale coming in, I just didn�t know when. He had given me a call before he came in, to let me know he was coming in and to check to see if we had the item he wanted in stock. We had it in stock so he said he�d come in, but it was kind of a drive for him so he would be in some time before we closed. Ok, fine. It was getting kind of late in the day and I still hadn�t taken lunch yet. I needed to soon, but I didn�t want to be gone if the guy came in. So, I wasted a bunch of time freaking out about what I was going to do and finally decided to talk to my coworkers in my department about it and go on lunch. I was going to work out fine, if the guy came in, I�d still get the sale but one of the guys was going to help me out so I could still get it. Well, just as I was running out of the break room, the guy was standing right there looking for me. Sooo I had to quickly throw down my stuff and get the guys crap out of the cage for him. I thought this was going to be a short and sweet sort of deal so I started taking him up to the register. I was wrong. He wanted to browse the entire store, looking for all this ridiculous stuff, swearing we had the thing he wanted because he saw it there a few months before. After going through the entire system with him to show him that we did not have what he wanted, he finally gave up and went to the register. Of course, he wanted to sit and chat about the warranty blah blah blah. By this time I had spent well over half an hour with him�.that�s half an hour Tom spent sitting in the car waiting for me to come out so we could go to lunch.

So the sale is complete and I run back into the break room to grab my stuff and run out to Tom�s car, only to see Tom coming back in and grabbing his stuff to go out on the floor. Argh�I could tell he wasn�t happy. I had called him and left a message telling him I would be a few minutes because the guy had come in before I thought he would, but I thought the whole thing would take 10 minutes tops, not half an hour. I tried apologizing, but it was either go to lunch then or not get a lunch at all. He wasn�t really going to talk to me anyways, so I left for lunch. I didn�t see him the rest of the shift and when I got out of work, I saw he had already left. Great.

The plan for tonight was that I wasn�t going to see him because I had a sigma meeting, a family dinner, and half a semesters worth of homework to catch up on. He wasn�t happy about that because apparently he had conveniently forgotten that I do still have classes and have to do my homework occasionally. Well, it wasn�t that he had forgotten, it was more like I never do my homework to begin with, so how would he know that I actually have to do it at all. But, between the bad mood work put him in, lunch not working out for us, and us not being able to see each other tonight, he ended up sliding further into the cycle he was already in. Instead of doing my homework, I just spent almost the entire night on the phone with him making sure he was ok.

It all worked out in the end, I suppose. I still have tomorrow to do my homework and he will be ok.

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