graduation, a piece of paper, and my proposal

5:52 pm | 09.10.04

I just registered for graduation.

Do you have any idea how good that feels? I'm sure all those who have already graduated don't really care since you're...well, done. Lucky bastards. But for all of you who are *so close* or even those of you who have a while to go, I bet you can understand my excitement.

As of December 18, I will officially be a college graduate. I will be the proud possessor of a piece of paper bearing my name on it that states

I am smart.

Or something along the lines of:
This girl paid us a whole bunch of money so we're going to give her this piece of paper to make her feel better about the time she's spent here.

Steph went with me to register. We both had the day off and she didn't have much to do. I figure she was just going to lay around the house all day, not doing much of anything, so I asked her to come along. It only took about five minutes to register, so I decided to show Steph around campus. Why is it that things always look so much better when you're showing it to someone?? Campus never looked so inviting, exciting, impressive even until I pointed out all the buildings and told her about all the things you could do on campus.

And I never got a chance to do half the things I wanted to while I've been there. *tear* I won't get that chance, either, since its my last semester!

I spent a good portion of Wednesday and Thursday freaking out about my honors college thesis proposal. I thought the proposal and the forms had to be completed by today. I was wrong. They actually had to be done by yesterday (Thursday) so I missed the deadline for the council meeting. argh. Now I have to wait until October before the coucil can approve my proposal. grrrr for being such a procrastinator.

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