labor day

11:08 pm | 09.06.04

Labor Day.

I thought Labor Day was introduced as a day to celebrate the working people. This usually entails a day off. huh. Well, I spent Labor Day working at the Ultimate Computer Store. Oh joy.

Technically, I was given the day off, but I ended up switching with someone so I could have another day off with Tom. Anyways, I was all set to complain to my manager if he scheduled me to work today. I was going to storm into his office, armed with schedules from May and July, to point out the fact that I have worked the past two holidays and that I deserve this particular holiday off. My preparation was in vain, but I'd like to think I had a good argument in place just in case.

While working, I was amazed by the number of people who had absolutely nothing better to do than wander around a computer store on a gorgeous holiday. Why didn't these people have barbeques and picnics and whathave you to go to? How is it that the employees of TUCS (the ultimate computer store) are the only ones who had more important things to do? I don't get it.

I spent the rest of my lame holiday with my parents and neighbors. woo hoo. I was hoping Tom would have been able to join me for the "festivities" but Robert is at his house tonight. And yes, for your information, I am still boycotting spending time at his house. Just in case you were wondering.

I spent the evening stuffing myself silly with delicious food, laughing at my parents, and being on the lookout for huge creepy looking bugs. Quite the laid back, relaxing evening.

*Highlight of the evening: eating carrot cake and actually liking it. man, my neighbor is an excellent cook.

How was your Labor Day?

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