friday five #5

11:00 pm | 10.22.05

From: Friday Five

1. What do you like or dislike about autumn? As of late, I've grown to like autumn more and more...specifically the month of October. For some reason, the weather cooling off, the increasing wind, the changing leaves, it all seems to affect my mood more than any other time of the year. I can't really describe the effect it has on me, but I notice every year. I never liked autumn because it always symbolized the looming death of nature we have to experience for the next six to eight months (depending on how long winter lasts for in Michigan, it lasts way too long.)

2. Have you raked leaves into a pile just to jump in them? Yes, of course. My sister and I always used to do that when we were younger. Some days we'd hurry home from school just to see how many leaves had fallen since we left that morning. We'd grab our rakes and get all the leaves in a big pile to jump in them and throw them at each other. I don't think my dad liked us doing that all that much, because we'd usually end up leaving an even bigger mess in the yard than before. For Halloween, when we were done jumping in the leaves, we'd stuff an old pair of my dads work clothes full of them and make a headless guy to sit on our porch.

3. Have you ever carved a pumpkin and how did it turn out? My family has carved pumpkins every single year. Even before I was born, my parents would carve them and put them out on the front porch. We have some pretty cool pictures of our pumpkins...a few years where our porch was all lit up from our pumpkins, each one of us would have our own pumpkin to carve. Lately, we've cut it down to two pumpkins, one for my sister and one for me. We already have our pumpkins all picked out, they're just waiting out in the garage for us to carve them.

4. Have you ever eaten anything made from pumpkins other than pie? In one of my classes in elementary school, somone brought in a whole sheet full of baked pumpkin seeds or something like that, so I tried those. I thought they were disgusting. Pumpkin pie pretty much sums up my pumpkin eating experience.

5. Where is a good spot to see the leaves change color where you live? Well, any place in Northern Michigan would be a great place to go. There are a ton of people (my parents included) who like to drive up I-75 to see where the leaves change. In my area, there are a ton of trees around, so you pretty much know when the leaves are changing color. Although, there are more and more sick trees in my area, a lot of them are just dying off, dropping their leaves before they even change. Its pretty sad. Theres a huge tree right outside my bedroom and kitchen windows that has turned an awesome shade of burnt red. I've tried taking some pictures of it, but they all turned out like crap. oh well...

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