Steph's 21st Birthday: day two

10:40 pm | 12.11.05

According to David, he had to clean up a lot of puke once him and Steph made it back to my parents house. I was hoping that Steph would take it easy on the shots, since thats what normally makes people sick, but I guess she didn't. I warned her before the party that everyone at work loves to buy the birthday person a shot....thats a lot of shots once everyone gets around to buying you one. Anyways, I guess Steph ended up doing the same thing I do when I end up getting sick... apologizing profusly to anyone about everything. After the one and only time I went to Curts house for a party (and I had waayyyy too many shots), Tom had to help me get in the house and directly to the bathroom. I ended up puking so hard, my head was in the toilet...and Tom was there the whole time holding my hair back. Of course, between each heave, I apologized over and over and over again for just about everything. Fun times.

But not really.

Steph was lucky enough to not have to go into work today, probably knowing full well that she'd either still be drunk or have a horrible hangover. She managed to sober up once I got off of work so the whole family could out to dinner to celebrate her birthday. We met up with my aunt, uncle, cousin, and grandma at Mongolian BBQ (my sisters favorite) and stuffed ourselves silly. I took my camera so I could have pictures of everyone at dinner, and so I could show my family some of the pictures from the night before. I made sure to steer the camera away from my grandma, particularly when I was showing someone a picture of my sister doing a shot or the one with the two of us holding up our drinks. hehe My family loved that one.

My grandma managed to make several rude comments about me and planning the wedding. While I wasn't going to rule out not hearing any rude comments from her about the wedding, I certainly wasn't expecting hearing them this early in the game. I can't remember exactly what she said, but it was something along the lines of how she hopes I'm not going to go crazy with the hair and makeup for my wedding because then no one will recognize me and its sad that brides never look like themselves.... or some shit like that. And of course, she was too busy running her mouth off about something else to listen to me repeatedly ask her to write out a list of people she wants invited from her side of the family and if she wants any of her friends there. argh...

Anyways, for the most part, we all had a good time. I was the only person to actually give Steph a present present. Everyone else gave her money to help her pay her bills and so she could have some spending money for her Disney trip coming up soon. I'm not quite sure if she liked what I gave her or not, but I thought it was pretty cool. After dinner and the cake (which was a delicious ice cream cake from Coldstone Creamery) my dad turned into a complete prick (surprise surprise) and came out of his little anti-social shell. He sat at the end of the long table, closest to the bar so he could watch the football games on the big screens, so he pretty much ignored us for the most part. But, following dinner, he started being a jackass to my uncle Jim (my dad just cannot get along with him, even though he's such a nice guy) and yelling all sorts of bullshit about football and this and that. And made everyone feel uncomfortable, or at least those who noticed it.

Aside from all of that, I hope Steph had a decent two-day birthday celebration...

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