travelers return

11:02 pm | 02.04.06

And the travelers have returned. Perhaps slightly deeper in debt and not nearly as well-rested as we originally hoped, but we have returned none the less. For the most part, Tom and I enjoyed our little week away from the reality of our lives. While the trip didn't end as smoothly as we thought it would, the time alone together was greatly appreciated and definitely much needed.

I won't go as far as to say that our problems have been solved and we are well on our way to a happily ever after kind of life. But, I feel like for the first time ever in this relationship that I can breathe easy. Some of the anxiety surrounding our relationship (in my mind) seems to have slowly melted away, or at least seems to have relocated to a different part of my brain. Either way, we have fewer roadblocks to tackle on the way to creating a life for ourselves.

Pictures have been posted of our week-long expedition across the north western digits of Michigan, just not on this particular site. You know where to find them... and if you don't, its either because I don't want you to know, or you just haven't asked yet.

If, for some reason unbeknownst to me, you are interested in seeing my vacation pictures from Frankfort, Charlevoix, and Traverse City, Michigan (as well as those from the side trip to the Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes) then leave a comment and a way for me to contact you with the information.

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