the past 365 days of my life

8:17 pm | 01.01.04

So, its the first day of 2004. Some of my friends would say, big deal. Its just another day, just another year. Others seem to be looking at it as yet another fresh start on life.

I have yet to decide how I see things.

I've been browsing various journals today and many people seem reflective of the year 2003. After reading a few of them, I sat here trying to recall everything noteworthy that has gone on in the past 365 days of my life. Then I read one journal in particular that set me straight. I've kept this journal for the past year...there may not have been one for each day, but I'd like to think I kept a fairly accurate chronicle of 2003 within this journal. want a recap of 2003? Click here. Do it yourself. hehe

The only thing I have to say about today is that I hope it is in no way indicative of how the rest of 2004 will be. If it is...I am screwed.

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