me + sigma = INSANITY!

11:43 pm | 10.02.03

Sigma is driving me nuts. I don't really know just is. I constantly have this feeling like I'm not doing anything right....that's partly because I don't really know whats going on. Half the time I don't even know what it is I'm supposed to be doing. Its kind of difficult to do anything right if you don't even know what it is you're supposed to be doing in the first place.

I don't feel overly bad about not knowing whats going on. A few of the other eboard members are just as clueless as I am, or pretty close to it at least. Especially when it comes to all the financial junk. There is way too much stuff we have to do, way too many hoops we have to jump through in order to get funding this semester. Getting funding has been our biggest worry so far this the end of last semester we were in debt by like $400 or something and we were pretty to not being able to register with the university as an organization. Our advisor had to loan us the money, and since then, we've been scrambling to get proper funding so we could pay her back. Ugh...such a headache.

So far all of that is taken care of...I hope. We've turned in our paper work for this month and it looks like we have our formal hearing on Sunday to present our budget to the board. I think I'm supposed to be there...but Im really not sure what, exactly, I'm supposed to do there. I wish there was some better way to do all this.

In other, non financial, news...all the new members are driving me crazy too. I cannot, for the life of me, keep track of them. A handful I know their names, the rest...oh man, it'll take me freaking forever. And trying to keep track of all the emails and mailing lists and the induction fees and the people who aren't in sigma but are in the english club....INSANITY I tell you.

My mom keeps telling me I shouldn't have taken over for Cliff. The members didn't want me as president when we did the vote, so I should have just left it at that. She says we should have made Cliff finish the job. But, no matter how stressful this job gets, I'm glad I took it. So far, its been quite the learning experience in terms of leadership roles and running an organization. And, I'd like to think I'm doing a fairly decent job right now. A lot better job than Cliff would have done had he been forced to keep his job anyways.

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