what a wonderful evening...

2:16 am | 11.08.03

Tonight, all I wanted to do was come home, get in my pajamas, make a huge mug of hot chocolate, and write. I am incredibly behind on nanowrimo right now, and I can't really afford to get much further behind. As of today, I am supposed to be at 11,667 words.

Not. Even. Close. I have a feeling this is going to be a repeat of last year. If I get even further behind, I'm probably just going to abandon this project all together. Not like it mattered to anyone anyways....except me.

Instead of getting all comfy and starting my writing marathon...I ended up arguing with Dan. Just what I wanted to do. I'm on day three of a killer migrain, I'm in a lot of pain, I've been completely exhausted all week...and I'm stuck arguing with him.

Thank you, Dan. Thank you. I really appreciate it. And I'll be sure to have the utmost consideration for you tomorrow....

....riiiight. Screw you.

A friend of mine kind of pissed me off tonight. I can't get into too much detail on here about it because she reads this and I don't want her to take things the wrong way. I just love how all of a sudden everything is my fault...none of it is hers. None. All I can say is....its a two way street, you know? An email weeks after you said you were going to call me with your work schedule isn't "keeping in touch..."

sorry...I'm really bitchy today for some reason. maybe its because i haven't been feeling well...who knows. everyone will probably take it personally no matter what i say....

oh well.

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