
10:56 am | 05.17.04

In case you haven't noticed, I've been having a difficult time keeping this journal updated. This is, in part, because I have been a little busy to post any of the entries I've started. This is also because a lot of them are just me complaining about some thing or another and that gets kind of boring. Not to mention I've been getting in a lot of trouble with a certain person because of my entries...so I might as well stop writing those.

This doesn't mean I'm quitting this journal all together. I could never do that, I've had this too long to ever stop writing in it. However, don't expect daily or even semi frequent posts anymore. I'll update from time to time or post something if I think its important, but I really think all the complaining has got to stop. I;m sure you're all thanking me for that right now....

Since its been such a long time since my last update, I might as well just post a series of updates on various things right now.

Classes ended somewhere back towards the end of April. I got my grades, which I am less than pleased about. My grades are so embarrassing, I cannot justify actually posting them for others to read. Lets just say I barely even tried this semester which was very stupid of me, it showed in my grades. My gpa for the semester was low, which brought my overall gpa down as well. I have one more semester to bring it up to a 3.5....not going to happen.

I received a letter from McCann-Erickson.....I will not have a paid internship for the summer. I'm afraid I had my hopes up a little too high for this internship, I wanted to start crying from disappointment when I read the letter. The place would have been a wonderful opportunity for me and after seeing the office, I know it would have been so exciting. But yes, yet another letter telling me that someone else is better than me. I wonder what they have that I don't. I have that about jobs....when you don't get the job, you always wonder why. What went wrong? What didn't they like about you? What don't you have that the other people have? argh....

My birthday was pretty interesting as well. Of course, the birthday curse continued this year. It never fails. Every year on my birthday, something goes wrong and I always end up crying and upset and having a horrible birthday. While I didn't have a particularly horrible birthday, it wasn't the greatest. It wasn't planned out very well and there was a lot of miscommunication so everything with my family didn't work out quite right. We went to the casino up in Sarnia....worlds smallest casino. I didn't win any money, but I didn't lose any either. I suppose it isn't bad to break even.

I was a little disappointed that things didn't work out so Tom could meet my whole family. They ended up having to leave before Tom could even get out of work. So, while waiting for Tom to get off of work, I sat at home with my family. All it took was one question for things to go horribly wrong. I asked my parents a question and their answer had absolutely nothing to do with my question. I absolutely love getting yelled at about something completely ridiculous. They couldn't just leave things alone, could they? I ended up getting up and walking away while they were yelling at me, which pissed them off any more....but I wasn't going to sit there and listen to that. But I was so mad and upset that that had to happen, I ended up doing something incredibly stupid. Lets just say I'm still in pain from what I did.

Dinner was less than exciting, I'm just glad Tom got to come along. My family couldn't even eat cake with me. They sang a half assed rendition of Happy Birthday and then ate their cake in front of the tv. Fabulous.

Besides that, my birthday wasn't all that bad. I now have an awesome tv and xbox in my room! Thanks, Tom!!!

My last day at Chrysler was completely stupid. I am so glad to be out of there. No one seemed to give two shits about it being my last day. So, I showed up, finished my work, said a few goodbyes and got the hell out of there. I was a little sad leaving, since I had just spent the past five months there or whatever and I was leaving behind a lot of great opportunities. Oh well. i'm still a little upset that the other intern got a paid position for the summer and I didn't. One of the admins came up to me before I left and said its too bad I didn't, but they really don't have it in the budget since there are people in the department that deserve raises before they should even consider hiring an intern for the summer. Fabulous.

Tom actually picked me up for lunch on my last day because I knew no one from the office would take me out since no one cared. I had been bugging Tom for a while to come pick me up, but he never would. It was always some excuse or another about not wanting to drive all the way out to see me. But since he figured he could run an errand while he was out that way, the trip wouldn't be so bad. Yeah, because I'm not worth the trip....but someone else is. oh well....

My last day at Chrysler, Oakland University ended up posting a huge article about me on their website. Read the article here

I'm sure theres a bunch of other stuff I should update about, but this is getting long enough and they'll just have to wait.

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