unwanted visitors

12:19 pm | 08.06.04

A few months ago, I ran across a website concerning someone in Tom's life. Sure I was curious about it and took a look around, but after that I left the site alone. On occasion, I would stop by the site, out of sheer curiosity, to see if any updates had been made. While this may be the case, I never bookmarked the site. I never emailed links to the site to Tom or to anyone else. Until last night, I never even discussed it with Tom. He still doesn't know what site it was, and I don't plan on showing him the site. Its not my place to tell him about it.

It has recently come to my attention that I have had some unwanted guests visiting my journal here. Apparently, they have been coming here for quite some time. I'm not quite sure how they found it. I don't really care. What I do care about is that this started out as one reader. Rather than leave the site alone, that one reader felt it necessary to pass the site along to someone else. This happened again and again, and rather than leaving the site alone like they should have, there is now a whole slew of unwanted visitors who know nothing about respect.

It is my understanding that these people were looking for something in reading my journal. Whatever it was they were looking for, they could have gotten the truth had they just asked me. But rather than do that, they decided to take the bits and pieces they could find along the way and twist it into their own truth and assume certain things about me. Rather than discuss any problems they may have with me, they decided to snoop around for supposed answers instead.

You're not going to find the answers you are looking for here, so stop looking already.

I started this journal four years ago as a completely anonymous site as a place to vent. I left it open, hoping people from the outside would read what I had to say and give me advice and supportive words. Over the years, this site has lost aspects of its anonymity to allow certain people in my life to understand what is going on in my life. However, very few people in my life actually know about this site. Most of my readers are those who share a common interest in internet journaling or feel they understand whatever I may be going through at a particular time.

When I found out what these people were doing, my first instinct was to lock my journal, so only those I allow access may read it. My second reaction was to write a scathing entry about the 415273907243 different ways these people can fuck off. I've decided not to lock my journal because I still want this to be an open journal. And I decided not to follow my second reaction because they're already looking for something to hold against me, I don't think any sort of retaliation would make me look very good in their eyes.

So, all I can really do now is post this disclaimer and ask these people to leave me alone. If you know me in person, and I haven't invited you here, please leave. Have some respect for me as a person and for my writing, stop reading this site.

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