bike rides, ice cream, and libraries

11:34 pm | 09.03.04

For the first time in a while, I was invited to spend the afternoon with Tom and Robert. Robert went back to school a few weeks ago, so I haven't been able to see him. We've only been playing voicemail tag for the time being. Tom, Robert, Brendan and I were supposed to go for a bike ride to get some ice cream to eat. Brendan ended up not going, so it was just the three of us. I was sort of hoping Brendan would have gone. I have to start somewhere with getting his family used to being me around the kid. I had hoped that if Brendan saw how I was around Robert and how much fun Robert and I have together, he would be able to dispell any fears his parents may have.

That aside, it was nice, the three of us hanging out again. Sure, it was a long, rather miserable bike ride to get ice cream, with as hot as it was outside and as far as we had to ride, but it was still fun. For a while there, I wasn't sure if we were ever going to make it to get ice cream, as tired and whiney as Robert was getting. But, we made it. I've noticed that if you make everything a game or a race, it'll get Robert moving and laughing again

Video games followed our bike ride, and I am sorry to say a five year old beat me. Bad. Well, I guess I can't give him too much credit for beating me. I am such a button masher that just about anyone could beat me. Yes, even a five year old.

Robert and Tom decided to show me Southfields new library today as well. Brendan went us, but, sadly, wouldn't join in our game of tag. The library is absolutely beautiful. I wish I would have had access to something like that when I was younger. As much as I read as a kid, I would have found even more time to read with as many books as they had there. I would have been begging my parents to take me to the library.

Going to the library with them was just about the highlight of my week. I'm sure with the week I've had, that's not saying much, but I swear this trip meant so much to me. I love being around Robert. I suppose its in part because he brings out the kid in me. I'm not afraid to act goofy around him, play tag or other silly little games with him. I have fun with him. Being around him also helps me to feel better about all the crap that has been going on with Tom's parents and Faye. I know it doesn't make anything better with them, since they'd all rather I not be around Robert. But, I'd like to think Robert has fun with me too....always asking for a piggy back ride and giggling hysterically the entire time or grabbing my hand.

I may be reading too much into these things, but it helps me feel better anyways. I leave everything up to Robert, so I'd like to think that he does these things because he likes me and he has fun with me....who knows.

Shortly after leaving Tom's house this afternoon, I remembered that Robert's birthday is coming up in a few weeks. He'll be six. I asked Tom not too long ago if he plans on having a party for Robert and all his friends. He's a big first grader now so I'm sure he's made some friends he'd like to hang out with on his birthday. Anyways, I highly doubt Tom would ever plan anything like that, let alone make a big deal about anyones birthday, including his own son's. I wouldn't mind helping him to plan a birthday party for Robert. In fact, I would have a lot of fun doing so. But, it looks like that just isn't in the cards for the little guy.

So, this got me thinking about what I am going to get him for his birthday. I talked to Tom about it for a bit tonight, and he seemed incredibly surprised that I would even want to get Robert something for his birthday. Since he was so surprised, I couldn't help but wonder if I really should get him something or not. Tom reassured me that it was a wonderful idea and that anything I gave him would be great. I highly doubt that part. The last thing the kid needs is another toy. I can so see getting him something "really cool" for his birthday and having it find its way into one of the many plastic bins piled high with all his other toys he rarely plays with. I don't want to give him a gift that will end up just like that. But, how do you give a meaningful gift to a six year old??

All you elementary teachers and parents out there, help! What do you get a six year old little boy for his birthday?!?!

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