sophisticated furniture

9:58 pm | 09.08.05

I had a very educational consultation this afternoon. While I'm not entirely comfortable discussing the purpose of the consultation, there are certain aspects of it I feel I should comment on. Perhaps by just commenting on these things I will end up giving myself away. That is a risk I am going to have to take...

I thought I was strong enough to go through all of this alone. I have up until this point. But as I pulled up to the office, I started to panic. My panicking state grew worse as I walked into the waiting room and saw all those people sitting in there. There was a man on his cell phone rapidly pacing in front of the reception window, waiting for someone to appear. I grabbed a chair near the window hoping that someone would magically appear in the next few seconds so I could ask what I was supposed to do. After a few minutes, someone had yet to appear in the window and the already impatient man was making it very clear that he was being put out by having to wait.

Freaking out partially from the man's inpatiences and partially from my own ignorance and inability to find someone who could help me, I ran out into the hall and called Tom to come sit with me. After what seemed like forever, he finally showed up and sat with me. Knowing that Tom was sitting there with me, I had the strength to poke my head in the window and see if I could find someone to help me. A woman directed me to a pad of paper on a ledge outside the window. I filled out a slip and handed it back to woman, sat back down and continued my tense wait.

During all of this, there were two things that added to my uneasiness of the situation: a woman who felt it necessary to blabber on and on and on in a high pitched foreign voice, and the number of people shuffling out of a door that required the woman at the window to buzz them out of. The latter added the most to my anxiety because of the look of sheer pain on their faces. They couldn't walk - they shuffled through the waiting room.... When I saw them, I wanted to run out of the office and never come back. But, I knew that would be the foolish thing to do...because I'll only be feeling more pain later down the road if I don't take care of this now...

Enough of that.

My parents have been pretty cool people since I've moved out. And since they've been able to work out everything between them.

Tonight was the second installment of my new furniture, since all the pieces finally came in the mail yesterday. My parents trucked all the pieces over to my apartment and helped me put most of it together. How cool is that? They were cool about the whole thing, until the end when my dad realized I didn't have a cold beer waiting for him in my fidge. I honestly didn't know Tom drank the last one...I could tell my dad was rather disappointed in me. I suppose I'll have to drop off a six pack tomorrow for him or something to make up for it...

My apartment finally looks like an apartment and not some college dorm room with mismatched and olddly colored furniture (I sent the two purple cubes to the trash last week, and the yellow cube is not far behind them.) Everything looks rather sophisticated now with the dark wood, I would really like to start having people over, now that I'm not so afraid of what they're going to think about the place.

Maybe I'll host euchre at my place on Sunday, to give Jenny a break. hmmmm...

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