inventory #5

11:12 pm | 09.18.05

Inventory. There isn't much to say about it. Except for the fact that I've worked every single inventory since I was hired in at good old MC. That means five... yes, five inventories under my belt. I pretty much know the drill by heart now, or at least I would if they weren't constantly changing the rules every six months. I suppose its for the best that they change the rules from inventory to inventory. I mean, I remember the first inventory I ever the time they let us out, I had four nasty messages from my mom, wondering where I was. Yes, I told her I had to work inventory, and yes I told her I didn't know exactly when I would be home, but that it would be late. But, I didn't realize it would be that late.

Since then, each inventory has been a little easier to deal with. Of course, just when you're expecting another 17 hour shift and getting out past 3 am, its 12:30 am and everything is done... and you just don't know what to do with yourself. That is, until home office thought it would be a great idea to change inventory to Sunday from the usual Saturday night. Then, all hell broke loose and we seemed to be starting back at square one. This time, we got back in the groove and were able to finish by a ridiculous 10:30 pm! An unprecedented nine hours to complete inventory... we rule.

Ok, so I lied. I did have a bit more to say about inventory than previously expected. Go figure. Sorry I'm so... lame?

Oh, and I managed to annoy only 328973245 people with my loud, hacking cough resonating throughout the entire store. And I only had to run to the bathroom to cough up many different delicious colors of lung 983246 times. Ah, the joys of being sick while at work.

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