friday five #7

5:27 pm | 11.04.05

From: The Friday Five

1. What are you most self-conscious about? I think I'd have to narrow it down to four things... the usual list is just slightly longer than this, but I figure I'd save my readers the burden of reading them all. I am most self-concious about: being myself; my appearance; my writing; and, all the mistakes I made academically.

2. What's your favourite word? I always liked the words copious or plethora. I don't really get a chance to use them all that often, and when I do use them, most of the people around me look at me as thought I'm being completely pretentious. Something tells me they have no idea what that word means either...

3. What's your biggest fear? Biggest fear? my imagination scares me more than anything else I know of. Other than that, there isn't anything in particular that I fear. Or maybe I just don't know about my fear of certain things yet. hmmmm

4. What's the weirdest thing ever to happen to you at work/school? One of the weirdest things to happen to me while at work has to be any of the number of times guys have tried giving me their phone number. You would not believe some of the ridiculous ways they think up to start a conversation and hand me their number. Where I work, business cards are a hit, and one guy even ripped off a chunk of our flier and wrote his name and number on it and told me to call him any time if I have any computer or networking issues (hello, I work in a computer store...) Other than that, it would have to be The Great Blackout of 2003. I was at work getting ready to leave for lunch when the lights went out. It was really strange seeing all of the different reactions my coworkers had towards that incident.

5. If you were going to have a revolution, what kind of society would you create? What kind of society would I create? I don't even know how to answer this question. I think i'll just skip it all together...

This set was particularly lame, wasn't it?

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