yakking cat

9:50 pm | 01.11.06

My cat just yakked all over the rug in my bedroom. It was absolutely disgusting. Cats make the weirdest noises when they're puking, don't they?? Sort of a heaving/coughing/hiccuping/burping/watery/splashing noise...

And I think she scared herself when she got sick... She kept trying to run away backwards from her trails of puke she was leaving everywhere. It was either that, or she was sitting still while projectile vomitting all over the place. Lovely picture there.

Thankfully Tom was here to help me clean it up off the floor and rug. I apparently don't have the stomach for cat yak, considering I haven't been able to stop gagging in the past fifteen minutes. yuuuuck.

UPDATE: 10:37 pm.

After sitting perfectly still for the past half hour or so, my cat calmly stood up and walked to the bathroom. A moment later, I heard this horrible coughing/wrteching noise echoing in the bathroom. When I went to go check on her....I found her standing in front of her litter box, heaving over the side into it.


I can't believe my cat knew to get sick in her box, instead of just puking on the floor where ever she was. Still, I feel incredibly bad that she has been so sick tonight. I wish there was something I could do to help her, but I figure I'll just leave her alone at this point until she works it out herself. That is unless I need to intervene during one of her puking sessions if she's planning on yakking on my floor again.

And I think this entry wins the most disgusting entry I've written to date award. Sorry if I've grossed anyone out...

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