day of the dead....lines

11:41 pm | 11.30.03

November 30

A day I wasn't exactly looking forward to. 28 days ago, today looked so far off. I didn't think I'd have anything to worry about....I should have been worrying about it all along.

Today was the day of the deadlines for me. I had two important deadlines to meet. One of which I knew about since the beginning of the month. The other, from way back in the beginning of the semester.

I didn't finish either of them....

The first one was a tad bit unreasonable. Ok, so it was incredibly unreasonable to ask myself to do it. I had tried NaNoWriMo last year, and failed miserably...getting a very very rough start and dropping out somewhere around 1300 words. This year, I made it to about 3500 (at least I doubled my wordage from last year...way to be upbeat about failure....) and realized that the only idea I had sucked hard core and no amount of editing in December could turn it into something decent, worth reading....anything I'd ever let anyone else read.

The world is safe knowing theres one less wanna-be novel about relationships out there. Yeah, the topic was completely horrible...but its all I know basically. My writing prof this semester said I was good at writing dialogue, and so the first section I wrote is almost entirely dialogue. I thought I'd play around with that a bit. The actual writing itself isn't bad, its just the topic, where I was going with it was all pointless. But I think I can understand why I might be good at writing dialogue....because about 75% of the conversations I have are online.

Anyways...failing to meet the second deadline is what really pissed me off. I walked around work all day today mentally kicking myself for being such a procrastinator. Sigma (the international org, not my chapter) offers all sorts of scholarships and awards for their members....I was going to apply for one. There are two website awards a member can apply for, an individual entry or a chapter entry. I was going to enter the chapter into the contest. We could have won $200 and some spiffy certificate I believe....but it looks as though we won't be getting that this year. argh. I am so mad. I worked so hard on that damn website and I couldn't even get my act together long enough to fill out some form that might possibly lead to some recognition of my hard work on that site.


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