thoughts on Easter

11:29 pm | 04.11.04


Another family holiday.

You would not believe how much I was dreading Easter this year. With Easter comes getting up early on a Sunday morning, dressing up, going to my grandma's church, sitting through what feels like hours of pain, eating way too much food, and putting up with too many annoying questions from my family.

Ok. So i'm probably making this out to be a bigger deal that what it really is. But, Easter is still pretty painful for me. Why? Because...

I hate being forced to go to church. Yes, I know I'm going to have little heathen babies and burn in hell because of my attitude, but it's true. Maybe it has something to do with the churches I've had to go to over the years, who knows. I can't stand being shoved into a large room full of hundreds of people and having to sit on incredibly uncomfortable benches. I hate how the preacher always gets so engrossed in his teachings for the day that he starts yelling every word while turning bright red and spitting everywhere. And I hate how we always seem to sit behind the women who feel it is necessary to express their devotion to God by raising their hands up in the air while rocking back and forth and yelling "Amen!" or "Praise the Lord!" in between every other word the preacher says.

As if all of that isn't unbearable enough, that's only the beginning. At that point, I still have dinner and hours of uncomfortable socializing to do with my family. Exciting, huh? Not really...

So I was dreading all of that this Easter, but plans didn't quite work out. My mom is incredibly sick and didn't feel like getting up early to drive all the way to BFE to my grandma's church. I was happy about not having to go to church. Dinner plans were changed around a bit as well, so things weren't quite so uncomfortable. We're a very small family, but try to fit 8 of us into my grandma's condo for's not very comfortable sitting there like that all evening long when you're stuffed to death. Ugh. Easter dinner was at my aunts house this year so there was a little more seating room... at least all of us were able to fit around the dinner table.

However, this didn't stop the other uncomfortable side of dinner...having to answer all of the ridiculous questions your family asks you. The questions weren't that bad, really...they all asked me about Dan a lot which was incredibly annoying but not completely unbearable. What did suck (and usually does) were all my grandma's comments. She's famous for saying these incredibly mean and hurtful things without really thinking about how they might affect a person. Lucky me, I was the first one (and I believe the only one, but I tuned her out for the rest of the day) to receive such a comment. Out of no where came, and I quote:

"You're not as skinny as I thought you'd be."

What the hell?! I just said "ok, grandma" and ignored her for the rest of what she had to say. Geez....what a nice person. I have no idea what made her think to say that. Isn't that terrible?

On a completely different note...I got a little discouraged tonight when I found out that it will probably be a rare occasion having Tom come to a family event. Even rarer still will be an invitation to a family event of his....yet another thing I'm going to have to get used to.

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