fighting the deadlines

11:55 pm | 04.14.04

I've done some of my best work under pressure. Fighting a deadline, I've pulled some amazing writing out of my ass for my classes. Unfortunately, I seem to have developed this knack for completely ignoring deadlines and such all together.

Tonight the term paper for my Victorian lit class was due. I knew about it well over a month ago. My thesis statement and outline was due two weeks ago. To meet the prof's requirements for a decent grade, this paper had to:

- be a minimum of 8 pages long, 10 pages ideally;
- include textual analysis;
- include a cover page, works cited page, and the outline we handed in a few weeks prior;
- be well written;
- be handed in on time.

Did my paper meet any of the above mentioned items? Lets paper:

- was roughly 6 pages long;
- was missing a cover page and the outline sheet;
- included textual analysis for only about the first half of the paper;
- was most likely poorly written since I never got a chance to proof read it or anything;
- was definitely not handed in on time, I actually ended up walking into the class 30 minutes late because of traffic and handed it to her at the end of class which she specifically said not to do.


This is how pathetic I am...I called into my internship to tell them that I couldn't come in. I supposedly got sick and want to be well for my finals next week. While I do have a bit of a sore throat right now, its definitely not serious enough to skip anything for. Anyways....I skipped my internship specifically so I could finish my paper for tonight. Or, I should say, start my paper. Other than the outline and thesis statement, I had absolutely nothing done for my paper. I ended up really getting to work on it around 1 pm today. I just had to have lunch with Tom around 4:30 because, well...I needed to eat too so why not. After lunch, I had about 30 minutes left to finish 4 more pages of my paper, get it typed and printed, and head out to school. Things obviously didn't work out the way I planned them to.

I'm so glad I've taken this class seriously this semester. [<- dripping with sarcasm] I suppose I should be happy about the fact that I stuck with the class this semester. A few semesters ago I attempted to take the same exact class, but failed miserably and was actually smart enough to drop the class before it affected my gpa at all. Unfortunately, it looks as though this class will affect my gpa. Its really not looking too hot, especially with this paper as poorly written as it was.

I'm not really sure what happened this semester. Last semester too.... this year I just seem to be in some sort of funk. I know last semester I had an incredibly difficult time just showing up for classes, at least I got out of that this time around. But I seemed to try and care even less this past semester, and its going to show. Maybe its that whole senioritis thing I got back in high school. I'm just burnt out and ready to get out of here. I have one more semester to go, I hope I can pull through and finish out all right.

I just need to finish and get out of there. That's what I keep telling myself.

How is everyone else doing with their finals and such?

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