fuck 'em, fuck 'em all

5:35 pm | 04.06.04

What a wonderful day...

So, Dan couldn't be bothered to proof read my cover letter because he's going to Ben Folds. fucker. didn't even ask if I wanted to go. probably can't ask, because of Jovana or Mary.


I would have taken him had I known about it.

Might as well have been kicked out of Tom's house today.

I know I had to leave. I wanted to leave since she was coming over. But the way he said it.

"I don't want you to think I'm hiding you or anything..."

dumbass, thats exactly what you're doing, don't you see that? Its all to make everyone's lives easier, I know I know. But whatever happened to not letting her get to you?

We still have to bow down to her and do whatever she wants, don't we?

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